SPANK Rally 2007
"Total Deliverance"

Pic  courtesy Steve Hobart

RenoJohn gets a fun-filled Spankin'

I was very much looking forward to this rally.  It would be the last of 2007, and I was optimistic that it would be some good fun.  I had formulated a mental image of what I thought it would be like, ...and boy was I wrong.   This rally was not what I expected, instead much more.   A truly unique and interesting rally.

Arrived in Rincon Wednesday night.  After some fun exploring the area, met up other SPANK Riders on Thursday, at the SPANK hotel in Escondido.

Immediately we were trading fun and before long there was a map of bonuses posted on the wall (a real teaser).  This map was the first hint of what was to come.  LOTS of bonuses in eastern San Diego County.  We would soon discover that this area was George's sandbox and he was eager to share the fun of this area.

Soon it was time for Tech-inspection and odometer check.

Pic  courtesy Steve Hobart

Myself (L) and Monte(R) starting out for Odometer Check

Before long it was time for the Riders' meeting:

A few of the rally folks in this pic

Before long, George brought out the Rally underwear (drawers) that we would be required to use on the ride.  We were required to wear these OVER our riding gear at specific checkpoints and even a specific bonus or two.   Each rally "drawer" had our Rally number on the rear, which we were required to put on BACKWARDS so the number would face forward!

Pic  courtesy Steve Hobart

George showing how the Rally "drawers" are to be worn

Not all riders had rally "drawers" ....former SPANK finishers had "Rally Bras" that had to be used in the same fashion.

Here is Mark Crane, former SPANK winner proudly(?) showing his rally bra

Ditto on the bras for Tom Sperry (Rosie Sperry to left)  and Heidi Still (Hedi seated)

Eric Jewell ready to go!!

Ditto for TurboDave and Hal Riser
