FJR Gathering, BBG-Utah, Colorado and more

A very special BBG

For me, the highlight of WFO would be riding a very unique BBG (Bun Burner Gold: 1500miles in under 24hours).   I have done this before, but this particular one would be different.   I knew George was going to make it fun riding, I knew that keeping a route of 1500miles all within Utah would add an extra twist.  And, I knew we'd be taking polaroid pics along the way ..and I'd be doing this BBG without an aux fuel cel!

Typically when these rides are done, they're done solo, they're done on easy roads and the rider is responsible for putting his route together, collecting time and location stamped gas receipts, as well as witness signatures to prove the trip.  All of this to be done in compliance with Iron Butt Association (IBA) guidelines(Clicky).

Major kudos need to be given to George Zelenz for putting these very unique rides together.  Not just a BBG, but also a SS1000 (one thousand miles). 

So, what was so different?   Let me give you a snapshot:

-These rides would be done entirely in Utah, never leaving the state (BTW this qualifies for an IBA "in-state" pin)
-These rides would be along a specific route that we did not know until the day before the ride.
-These rides would not require stamped gas receipts, BUT INSTEAD would require the use of a "Rally Towel" that would need to be photographed (polaroid camera) at specific spots with specific points of interest in the photos.   George had got the IBA's "OK" for this.   This gave a very fun "Rally" theme to the rides and made them much different than a typical SS1k or BBG ride.

!!!...And!, best of all, we'd be on some challenging roads, not boring interstate. !!!

Big thanks to George Z for putting the effort into making these rides fun, unique and most of all:  Challenging!

Thursday night we had a riders meeting.   George went over the rules, safety and the unique rally theme of these rides.

We were each given a unique "Rally Towel".   The towel that George gave me said "MOLESTER" .  I'd like to think that this refers to the way I like to Molest roads on the FJR ...but I'm afraid the label may be in reference to that Nevada incident of dressing farm animals up in women's clothing.

George orchestrating the riders' meeting:

After odometer readings and sign-off of paperwork we all left at extactly 4:00a.

Monte (L) and myself (R) preparing for the ride:

thanks turbodave for the pics!

Hal (Kaitsdad) preparing for the ride

Yours truly nearly ready for the ride

The first few hours and first required photo stop was in darkness.  Eventually daylight came and the riding got even better.   I was having a blast riding this crazy route.  I had an added challenge in that I did not bring a aux fuel cel.  10 gas stops and 9 photo stops those who've done these types of rides know how much that factors into the equation ....especially on a challenging route like this.

Rode with George most of the day, I was a bit quicker in the twisties, but I'd have to stop for gas more often so we played cat/mouse for much of the day which added to the fun.  We'd often wait for each other as well.  George took the SS1k route to Park City to be back in time for those finishers, (The first 800or so miles was the same route for both rides.)

I continued on the BBG route.   After a mistake in Cedar City that cost me a lot of time it was off into western Utah where I dodged way too many deer!   Geeze they were everywhere.

In Delta, after my 10th fuel stop I see Monte!!   LOL, first time since the first stop before sun-up and now aprox 20hours later we meet up.   We did the final photo stop in Tooele and rode in to Park City together.  That was nice, riding the last bit with him gave me an appreciated fun finish.  We arrived back as the first BBG finishers:  22hours and 40minutes after the start so plenty of time to spare.

When you can ride the best of roads, have fun riding and at the end of the day have over 1500miles in under 24hours ---well, it doesn't get much better. I'm new to the LD and rally stuff, but I'm no stranger to having fun on bikes and hard riding. This ride brought it all together.

No real time for taking regular pics on a ride like this as time is tight and the pace is hard.  Below is the ONLY regular picture I took during the ride. Too bad, as we saw some of the best of Utah on this ride.


It should be noted that in addition to the obvious challenges of this ride -We all had road construction delays to contend with.  This was just one more thing that all riders had to overcome.

Riders who did either ride should be proud of their accomplishment, this wasn't your typical SS1K or BBG ride.
The rally theme added fun, and it gave a taste of a real rally that one doesn't typicallyl get on a SS1k or BBG.

And the best news --the three IBA virgins would get their IBA #, plate holder, Utah pin and certificate this night at the awards ceremonly.   For these folks, what a great extra bonus!!!

Eight folks completed the SS1K, Four the BBG, everyone was successful.  Lots of miles and smiles

My buddy Brad (Beerme) from Elko receiving his certificate to the applause of WFO attendees at the awards ceremony.  Not Brad's first Iron Butt certificate, but he made this one especially tough on himself with some foolish mistakes and GPS issues.
-talk about determination and extra effort!

Thanks George and WFO for all of the fun!  A Great theme, GREAT route and too much fun.  Rides like this should definately be a part of any future FJR gatherings.

For any geeks out there ...I set my GPS to log my route is every inch of my journey and related details (including mistakes).
For those with Garmin Mapsource, you can download this(rightclicky and save)

