The next day Dave and I got up and headed out on the bikes. Dave rides a very attractive and niclely farkled 1000 V-Strom. First stop was to go to Jeff's home. Jeff was waiting and eager to join us with his nice looking 650strom ...equipped with some new TKC80's on it!
Dave and I outside
his home
We wound our way up into some beautiful mountains and nice twisty roads. We weaved our way up to about 8000 feet through some beautiful pine forests. Eventually getting to the amazing town of Tapalpa.
A very unique town, equaled
by this very unique church. All brick ...amazing the engineering,
talent and design skills of the people who built it.
Hmm, being that I only eat
things that have parents, this caught my eye.
Dave and Jeff picking up
some nice bakery treats. Note the lady who own this great estabilshment,
..with her portrait above the counter. This place is known all over
as the source for great baked goods.
Dave and Jeff then let me on a short dirt excursion up to a peak that is popular with those motorized hanglider things. They weren't doing it on this day, but we spent some time looking at the beautiful sites ...including the cool clubhouse that was at the top. There was a young man watching over the place. It had all the comforts including great viewing areas, a small bar, a pool table. This was truly a great ride destination.
What a great day of riding. Nice relaxed pace, great sites and great fun. Dave is a very competent rider and did a wonderful job leading this day. Jeff is silly with a capital S and that ranks high in my book. Great sites and great fun. Thanks much Dave and Jeff.
I learned on this day that
the ride I had planned from Mexico to Canada (across both borders in under
24hours) had been cancelled due to weather in Colorado. I was a tad
disappointed, but I now knew that I could now do relaxed pace back home.
However, I still would need a new tire to make it home.